Welcome to my
Fairies of the Web page
Hello On this part of my Island you will find
Fairies of the Web
its a small little group that I was invited to join
with alot of Lovely Fairies with some awsome
Fairy sites with Things that will Amaze and
Delight and Enchant you
. So why not take a flutter around & see
what a beautiful job they have done making there
homes & graphics and then come join the
Fairy Social
Its a Wonderful Group of Fairy Ladies.
And I am Proud to be apart of.
This is The Fairy Spirit Realm
where we plan fun activities,have
a spirited fairy of the month.our
SpiritFairy Trinkets ect..
Come take a peek around and
see if you want to oin in the fun:-)
Fairy seekers is a Realm of Fairies that Flutter around
seeking Fairy sites to join our webring. Click on the
banner below to visit the home page & meet the Fairy's
This is the Fairy Social Welcoming Realm
It 's to Welcome new members by siging
there guest book & leaving a giftie :-)
This Little Realm is Special Moments
heres where we Celebrate
Fairys of the Web
Birthdays ,anniversary..ect
Story Book Christmas from
Fairys of the Web
Click the globe to go to my gifts
from my Fairy Sisters
BackGround Set By: Dewdrops
CPurplebutterflyfairy's site 2001